Famous Hollywood stars appearing in video games

We take a look at the Hollywood stars who are considered leading roles by the game makers and take part in the promotion of the productions.
 Famous Hollywood stars appearing in video games
READING NOW Famous Hollywood stars appearing in video games

Until the early 2000s, the game world was overflowing with unsuccessful Hollywood adaptations of video games. Game makers, who wanted to get a share from the mass of popular productions, continued to release games that could not exceed a certain quality by purchasing the naming rights for a long time.

However, during the transition to the 2010s, the incredible explosion in the video game industry caused the needle to turn in the opposite direction. The game industry, which is by far the largest industry of the world’s entertainment industry today, has started to use Hollywood actors in their productions this time and prefer to announce their productions in this way. In this article, we will take a look at a few games featuring Hollywood stars in recent years.

Death Stranding – Norman Reedus

Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima’s first attempt since leaving KONAMI, was announced at E3 2016. At the end of the promotional video, the audience, who saw Norman Reedus, was applauded and the game was more eagerly awaited. Later, the game, which added Mad Mikkelsen, whom we know from Rogue One and Doctor Strange, to its cast, was released in 2019 and received very positive reviews.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Keanu Reeves

Developed by CD Projekt RED, the producer of The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 was released last year after about 8 years of development. Perhaps the most memorable aspect of Cyberpunk 2077, which can collect its mistakes that make the game almost unplayable, was Keenu Reeves, who gave life to the character of Johnny Silverhand. Especially at E3 2019, the seconds when he immersed himself on the stage will remain as one of the unforgettable moments of the gaming world.

Far Cry 6 – Giancarlo Esposito

Although the Far Cry series has been criticized for repeating itself in recent years, it still has a certain bone mass. Giancarlo Esposito will play the villain, Anton Castillo, in Far Cry 6, which will be released for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC on October 7, 2021. As we can remember from his role as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad, it is not thought that he will have any problems playing the villain.

Until Dawn by Peter Stormare

Developed exclusively for PS4 and lasting four years in production, Until Dawn was a very interesting production in which we directed the story with our own choices and all the main characters could die before the end of the game. All the characters you can see in the game were played by famous actors. By contrast, the brightest performance among them is psychiatrist Dr. It belonged to Peter Stormare, whom we watched as Hill.

Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay – Vin Diesel

What could be more natural than the participation of Vin Diesel, who also plays the leading role in the movie series, in the play? However, the only reason we include him here is that Vin Diesel is also the producer and one of the screenwriters of the game. The American actor, who is a complete video game enthusiast, took care of almost every detail in the development phase of the production. Released in 2004, the FPS type of production had a gameplay and graphics quality beyond its time.

Beyond: Two Souls – Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe

Beyond: Two Souls, one of the successful productions of Quantic Dream, is at the bottom of our list. Quantic Dream, which worked with real actors in all of its plays after Fahrenheit released in 2005, featured highly talented actors in Beyond: Two Souls. Willem Dafoe, one of the most famous names in Hollywood, Dr. In the production where she played Nathan Dawkins, Ellen Page gave life to Jodie Holmes, the main character of the game.

You can also share with us the Hollywood characters who took part in the games and stuck in your mind in the comments.

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