Hackers Targeted Corporate Sites

Hackers are attacking corporate companies' websites with a newly developed method. After the attack, the attackers, who demand hundreds of thousands of dollars in order not to share the data of the victims, share this with an announcement.
 Hackers Targeted Corporate Sites
READING NOW Hackers Targeted Corporate Sites

Ransomware methods are a method that prevents hackers from accessing your computer after they have infiltrated your computers and are asked to pay a certain amount of money so that you can use your data again. Especially corporate companies are exposed to this attack, which has been frequently preferred by internet thieves in recent years.

A ransomware gang uses an unprecedented method to force victims to submit to demands. The gang is publicly hacking corporate companies’ websites to show everyone how much the ransom is and exactly what needs to be done.

First attack took place in France

This new attack strategy is by Industrial Spy, a data extortion gang that has recently started using ransomware as part of their attacks. being executed. As part of its attacks, Industrial Spy breaches safety nets, steals data and installs ransomware on devices. As seen in the photo, the attackers are threatening to sell the stolen data on Tor marketplaces unless a ransom is paid later.

The gang began selling data they claimed to have stolen from a French company called SATT Sud-Est for $500,000. In this attack, which was first noticed by security researcher MalwareHunterTeam, the hacker group issued a warning message stating that the company’s website was hacked and 200GB of data was stolen, and that it will soon go on sale if the victim does not pay the ransom. The site has since been down, but the message is still visible on Google’s results page.

According to security experts, hacking the website requires additional effort. Therefore, it seems unlikely that such a method will be used by hackers. However, it is still useful to take precautions against such attacks. This is only one of the hacking methods and it will be inevitable that new methods will emerge.

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