Space themed game from NASA! Can you pass us?

It may not be possible to study celestial objects as an observer at NASA, but the new space game has galaxies, planets and black holes.
 Space themed game from NASA!  Can you pass us?
READING NOW Space themed game from NASA! Can you pass us?

Atari games were indispensable for an era. Games that are still very popular are one of the best ways for people to have a good time. NASA also shares the memory of the 80s and 90s with the new space game. It may not be possible to examine celestial objects as an observer at NASA, but in the new game of the space agency, you will encounter galaxies, supernovas, planets and black holes.

Nostalgia is at its peak with NASA’s new space game!

Roman Space Observer Game, which can be played online, contains all the nostalgia. The music playing in the background in the game, which is easy to play but difficult to master, is also very suitable for this theme. You will definitely be nostalgic with NASA’s new space-themed game.

You direct a telescope in the game. You can move the telescope, which consists of blue squares representing the field of view of the observatory, by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. In order to catch the celestial objects wandering in space, you need to press the ‘Space’ button. You only have one minute to catch the celestial bodies. The goal is to collect the most points.

Each celestial body has a separate score. Galaxies that are easy to catch have a low score. Green exoplanets, on the other hand, are fast and very difficult to catch. In order to catch the yellow James Webb Space Telescope, you need to be both lucky and have quick reflexes. Dark matter and black holes, on the other hand, will not be easy to catch, as they are very difficult to see.

The Roman Space Telescope is named after a groundbreaking astronomer known as “Hubble’s Mother”. Nancy Roman, one of NASA’s first female administrators, came to the fore with her work for the Hubble Space Telescope. Nancy Roman passed away on December 25, 2018.

With its new game, NASA pays homage to arcade games and presents the future of astronomy to us. If you liked Space Invaders game, we are sure Roman Space Observer Game is for you.

We collected 591 points in the game. So how many points can you score in NASA’s new game? You can share your high scores and your opinions about the game with us in the comments section.

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