Can You Know These Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Questions?

We chose 16 questions, some easy and some difficult, among the science and technology-themed questions asked from time to time in the competition. Let's see how many of them can you answer correctly?
 Can You Know These Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Questions?
READING NOW Can You Know These Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Questions?

If you are one of the strict followers of Webtekno, your knowledge has definitely improved thanks to the science and technology content you read. We expect at least 10 correct answers from you.

It is recommended that you respond without haste and without being deceived by the obfuscated options. If you’re ready, let’s get started.

1. Which explosion is called a “supernova”?

Your final decision?

2. Ask the seller “Do you have this powerbank in black?” Which one is it likely held by the customer who asks?

Your final decision?

3. Which one makes up 99.8 percent of the total mass of the Solar System?

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4. Which is the largest known carnivorous dinosaur?

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5. Which structure shows the positions and movements of celestial bodies by reflecting them on the inner surface of a spherical dome?

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6. Which element is not found in the periodic table?

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7. Which one is studied under the headings of “Mitosis” and “Meiosis” in biology lessons?

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8. Which is a synonym for “electronic brain”?

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9. If you were to take a scale and be weighed, which one would you weigh more?

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10. What are the two most abundant elements in the universe?

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11. What do you call about 1/24th of the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once around its axis?

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12. According to a study conducted in 2013 on a group of men living in the Amazons, doing which one produces more testosterone than which one in the same time?

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13. Which product’s second hand advertisement would you see statements such as “There is no problem with the viewfinder and lenses, the shutter count is not too high”?

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14. When taught in schools that the Earth is round, which oncoming transportation vehicle is said to see the mast first?

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15. What is the name of the dog, the first animal to orbit the Earth, sent by the Soviet Union on November 3, 1957 with the “Sputnik 2” satellite?

Your final decision?

16. What is the popular name given by scientists to the theory that will succeed in combining Einstein’s theory of relativity with quantum physics?

Your final decision?

How many times did you manage?

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