Sony redistributes cards in the auto industry!

Sony, which wants to go beyond the smartphone and game console, is also ambitious about electric cars and autonomous driving technology.
 Sony redistributes cards in the auto industry!
READING NOW Sony redistributes cards in the auto industry!

New players are joining the automotive industry, which has recently experienced an electric car revolution. Sony is one of the companies that stepped into the automotive industry. The brand, which shows how serious it is with its Vision-S 01 and Vision-S 02 concept models, aims to stand out with its technology.

Sony wants to take over the market!

While the automotive industry is developing day by day, Sony also wants to get a share of it. The company, which wants to go beyond the smartphone and game console, is also assertive about electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology. In line with this goal, Sony plans to provide imaging sensors to at least 15 of the world’s top 20 global automotive companies by 2025.

Sony has recently announced that it will develop a joint car with Honda. The brand, showing its determination on this issue, also announced that it wants to provide sensors that are of great importance for electric and autonomous vehicles.

Terushi Shimizu, head of Sony’s imaging and sensing division, made the following statements on the subject at the event held on Friday:

Top 20 largest companies by fiscal year 2025. We hope to work together with 75 percent of the global automaker on automotive imaging sensors

The manager added that these 20 companies will produce 80 percent of the cars that will be sold in the world in 3 years. However, expressing that they are ready for this figure, the manager announced that Sony plans to spend 900 billion yen ($ 7 billion) for imaging sensors in the 2021-2023 period.

Companies facing major supply shortages during the pandemic seem likely to focus on more reliable choices. Shimizu also announced that Sony has made a joint investment with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company to set up a $7 billion chip factory in Japan. He also added that they will deepen their cooperation to secure their semiconductor supplies.

This breakthrough in the automotive industry will not reflect negatively on other industries where Sony is involved. The company told its investors that it will increase the production of the PlayStation 5 console and further diversify the games.

Sony seems to have a significant growth in the future. So what do you think about Sony and its investments in the automobile industry? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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