63% of Companies Plan to Increase Surcharges

A new survey conducted by the human resources company Mercer and the human management association PERYÖN revealed that 63% of companies are planning an additional wage increase. It was stated that the sector that will realize this increase the most is chemistry.
 63% of Companies Plan to Increase Surcharges
READING NOW 63% of Companies Plan to Increase Surcharges

It was a matter of curiosity how companies planned to increase their wages due to reasons such as high inflation, volatility in exchange rates and the increase in the cost of living. Now, a study carried out jointly by the human resources company Mercer and the human management association PERYÖN has revealed the data on the subject.

The results of the survey conducted under the name of ‘April 2022 Wage Increase Trends Interim Survey’ showed how companies from different fields are planning wage increases. The study, in which 464 companies from 16 sectors participated, revealed that companies will realize an average wage increase of 58% in 2022.

63.9% of companies are planning a surcharge increase

In addition, the survey also stated that 63.9% of companies will apply a surcharge increase . In the results of the study, which also examined foreign and domestic capitals, it was observed that this rate was 70.7% in foreign companies and 53.3% in domestic companies.

Let’s not forget to add that data on the sectors that will apply the wage increase the most are also obtained. Accordingly, the chemical industry will rank first with 83.3%. Chemistry will be followed by non-production with 78.3%, automotive supply industry with 75% and production with 67.7%. It is also among the news that the companies plan to provide the source of the additional wage increase from the next year’s budget.

It was also stated with the survey that the increase budget would be in the automotive sector. It has been reported that 85% of the companies plan to increase the additional wage once, 12% twice, and 2.4% three times this year. Finally, the survey results, which noted that companies took into account the inflation of the past months, showed that 41% of the companies planned to increase their additional wages in July, 19.8% in April and 10% in June. So what do you think about this? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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