Indispensable Street Games of Our Childhood

Get ready to satisfy your longing with street games where we set our own rules, don't realize that we are hungry for hours while playing, and color our childhood years!
 Indispensable Street Games of Our Childhood
READING NOW Indispensable Street Games of Our Childhood

The years when we didn’t need expensive tablets to be happy, and instead of playing online games, we played games with kames balls in the alleys. Now we will take you to one of those side streets, the neighborhood where you spent your childhood…

“Mom, 5 more minutes!” We have compiled 20 street games of our childhood that you can read comfortably without shouting. Let’s get started.

1- Collecting a bag full was a sign of wealth in those years: Marble Game

2- The culprit of torn pants: Long donkey

3- The economic game played with five round stones you collect from the ground: Five Stones

4- The game in which we learn colors and even make up new colors most of the time: Istop

5- The leading role in the discussion of “Is hair alive or dead”: The Tire Game

6- The game in which we learn acrobatics in order not to get off the pavement : High Above Ground

7- When the ball touches it, is it called “Burning Ball” because it takes our lives in the game or because it hurts us?

8- The game where reflexes and speed win: Handkerchief Grabber

9- The rules of artistic strokes vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, The game that brings points: Nine Months

10- The game where we discover the most mysterious corners of the neighborhood: Hide and seek

11- From somewhere “Your father takes it!” If you hear the shouting, there is probably a “Neighborhood match” being played there…

12- A game that makes you love numbers, in which one chalk is enough to play: Hopscotch

13- The rhyme of the apprentice who lost his master and the excitement of who will leave the handkerchief: I Sell Oil, I Sell Honey

14- Efforts to convince the midwife that your place is a corner: Snatching a Corner

15- The game where we can see flying children: Leapfrog

16- Strategic game with traces of many sports branches: Steel Rod

17- “Open the door, head of the merchant!” We all know by heart the rest of the song that starts with

18- The game in which time and everyone who plays: Old Cushion

19- “Simiiiiiit!” The game that increases our liver capacity while shouting: Bagel Oyun

20- The game that does not leave stones in the neighborhood, also known as “Dalya”: Dokuz Taş

And many more enjoyable games… Now let’s play a kind of Istop together, let’s bring our memories to life by sharing the games we remember from our childhood in the comments!

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