One of the biggest shortcomings of Instagram is being solved!

Instagram is testing the 'repost' button, which allows resharing posts without the need for a third-party app.
 One of the biggest shortcomings of Instagram is being solved!
READING NOW One of the biggest shortcomings of Instagram is being solved!

There is no possibility to reshare posts on Instagram. Users need to take advantage of third-party repost applications that are not directly related to Instagram to post a photo / video on their own account. However, their reliability is questionable as they require account access.

The social media platform took action to fill this gap. The news was first announced by mobile application developer Alessandro Paluzzi. Paluzzi shared important information about the repost button developed by Instagram, allowing us to understand how the feature will work.

Instagram brings the repost feature

The ‘Repost’ button, which Instagram users have wanted for years but could not achieve, finally arrives. The new button added to the sharing menu in the application is located right next to other sharing options such as ‘WhatsApp Status’, ‘Instagram Stories’, ‘SMS’.

Alessandro Paluzzi posted a screenshot of the repost button. The feature is activated when a user clicks the menu button in the upper right corner of the post they want to share again. When you press the repost icon, which is among the options that appear on the screen, the photo / video in question is shared on its own account.

According to the transferred information, Instagram keeps all posts shared with the repost button in a separate profile. will place it in the tab. Also, the reposted post will show the owner’s account. TikTok has also brought this feature in the past months. It also has a long presence on Facebook and Twitter platforms.

Will be available soon

Instagram has not made the repost button publicly available yet. It is currently under development and is expected to be available very soon. In the meantime, while the company continues to add new features, it does not skip the design changes. Recently, Instagram’s new home page, which is quite similar to TikTok, has appeared.

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