What is Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex?

Daughters with their fathers; The reason why boys are closer to their mothers attracts the attention of society as well as science. Although Freud tried to explain this with the Oedipus Complex, not all the secrets were opened.
 What is Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex?
READING NOW What is Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex?

Sigmund Freud, who is called a pervert by some and the father of psychology by others, is one of the most controversial characters in the history of psychology. But perhaps none of his theories has been as controversial and aroused as the Oedipus Complex. Although it has not been confirmed or disproved like Freud’s other theories, it is still very popular.

The theory has been criticized for being based on the Little Hans Case, which we will talk about below; because there is no concrete evidence other than this example. In the criticisms, it is stated that the case of Little Hans can be interpreted with different theories (eg Bowlby’s Attachment Theory) and that Freud overemphasized sexual instincts (especially by Erikson).

So what is this Oedipus Complex?

This complex takes its name from Sophocles’ famous play, King Oedipus. King Oedipus kills his father to be with his mother, and is cursed for what he did.

Freud states that this complex emerges between the ages of 3-6, which is the phallic developmental stage, and claims that during this period, the source of libido (vital power/sexual instinct) is concentrated in the erogenous parts of the child’s body. The following is also emphasized in the continuation of the theory: In this period, the girl is attracted to her father and becomes jealous of her father from her mother. The boy, on the other hand, is attracted to his mother and is jealous of his mother from his father. He enters into a rivalry with his father, his aim is to have his mother.

What are the differences between Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex?

Oedipus Complex is a more general concept, expressing the interest of children of both sexes towards their opposite-sex parents, while Electra Complex expresses the daughter’s interest in the father. The Elektra Complex is used to express the daughter’s jealousy of her mother and father, the desire to replace the mother, and being overly fond of the father.

What are the symptoms of Oedipus Complex?

Symptoms of this unproven complex are claimed to be:

  • The child in this age group tries to compare himself with his father and find commonalities between him and himself .
  • He begins to express his love for his mother at every opportunity he gets.
  • Expresses his hatred for his father (Freud says that the children can suppress this for fear of castration).
  • Shows behaviors that imitate his father, such as shaving, walking like his father, using the words he used.
  • Behaviors that try to kick his father out of bed can be seen due to the dominant desire to sleep with his mother.
  • He can say that he will marry his mother.
  • He/she may overreact to any sensual contact of his/her parents to “kiss, hug, use words of love” in front of him, try to separate them; It may even go as far as crying.

How is Oedipus Complex treated?

Freud supported this theory with the case of “Little Hans”. In this case, Little Hans is a 5-year-old boy with a phobia of horses. By correspondence with Little Hans’ father, Freud tries to find the cause of the phobia and follow a certain treatment process. In the course of his correspondence, Freud thinks that the source of the problem is “the fear that the child will be castrated by his father (castration, sterilization) because of his desire to possess his mother”. He continues this thought as follows: The horse in this phobia is the symbol of the father. Hans’ fear of being bitten (castrated) by a horse (father) is a punishment for his desire to possess his mother. Freud published a summary of the treatment he applied to this case in 1909 with the title “Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy”.

The only treatment that Freud recommends is for the child to identify with the same-sex parent. Consciousness (ego) and moral values ​​of society (superego) play an important role in suppressing this complex. However, there are also tables where this complex manifests itself as feelings of guilt in adulthood.

Criticisms of the theory:

  • Freud created this theory only on the case of Little Hans, and this case can also be explained using different theories (eg Bowlby’s Attachment Theory).
  • Other psychodynamic theorists, such as Erikson (1950), believed that Freud exaggerated the influence of instincts, particularly the sexual instinct, in personality development. Erikson created the psychosocial development theory as an alternative to this.
  • The other major criticism is that although Freud was the only child patient reported, Hans’ father (a supporter of Freud’s theories) did most of Little Hans’s psychoanalysis, and Freud saw Hans’ endorsement of the Oedipal theory. He was extremely prejudiced.
  • In general, the case violates the principles of scientific validity and reliability. This is another criticism of the theory.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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