You can travel in time with Google Maps. How Does?

Google Maps - A feature that hides in Street View. It allows users to travel back in time.
 You can travel in time with Google Maps.  How Does?
READING NOW You can travel in time with Google Maps. How Does?

Google Maps isn’t just a helpful guide to finding your way around a new area. It also has a hidden feature that turns it into a time machine. While you can’t go back and change history, you can browse Google Maps’ archive of Street View images to remember what your area used to look like.

But how can those who want to nostalgia go back in time with Google Maps?

  • You must first open Google Maps on your PC and then go to Street View.
  • When you switch to Street View, look in the upper left corner of the window. Here you will see a brief description of where you are. There will also be a timeline button in the same place.
  • Click on it and the timeline will be displayed. You can watch the images taken at certain times of the point you are viewing by moving the gray circle back and forth.

When you select a time, Google Maps will now take you around those streets in images taken at that time…

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