8 Useful Tips to Help You Solve Sudoku Faster

Sudoku, which is a number-based intelligence game, is one of the favorites of puzzle lovers. Let's take a closer look at some tips and important points that will make it easier for beginners to the sudoku game, where you have to fill in the rows, columns and squares with all the numbers at different difficulty levels.
 8 Useful Tips to Help You Solve Sudoku Faster
READING NOW 8 Useful Tips to Help You Solve Sudoku Faster

Although it has lost its old popularity today, sudoku, which was once the most popular number placement puzzle both in our country and in the world, is still one of the favorites of many puzzle lovers. The aim of sudoku, which is a number-based mind game, is to use all numbers from 1 to 9 in all rows, columns and 3 x 3 squares in a 9 x 9 box without repeating them. The game is completed by itself when the numbers are placed.

Today, unique sudoku boxes can be created in a short time and at different difficulty levels, thanks to special software. Although each difficulty level has a different meaning for professionals, there may be those who are just starting out with this puzzle and do not know what to do. You are right because sudoku is a very difficult game for an amateur. Let’s take a closer look at some tips and important points that will make the job easier for those who are new to the sudoku game.

Sudoku tips for beginners:

Know where to start
Capture obvious starting points
Identify specific scanning techniques
Don’t waste time
Check for overlapping areas with filled cells
First time use pencil
Search for bare pairs
Search for hidden pairs

Know where to start:

If you’re a beginner at solving sudoku, it can be quite difficult to know where to put the first number in a 9 x 9 box. You will find that in some areas of the box there are many more digits than in others. So start with the row, column or 3 x 3 square with more digits first.

The logic of making such a start is very simple, the options are few. As the number of empty cells decreases, the number of numbers you will place in that cell decreases. At this point, it is important to pay attention to the numbers. For example, in a box of five 9s and no 2s, it’s much easier to place one of four 9s than it is to place 2 numbers.

Capture the obvious starting points:

The purpose of the Sudoku is all digits from 1 to 9 in a column, a row, and a 3 x 3 square. is to use. Especially in beginner level sudoku games, there are always cells where there is only one possibility. So sometimes the only option is to put a single number in that row, column or square. In order to catch such obvious starting points, it is necessary to examine the box calmly and not to miss these beginnings that are presented as natural clues.

Set specific scanning techniques:

It’s clear what you need to do to complete the Sudoku puzzles, but how you do it is entirely up to you. Some players start the game by scanning rows, some columns, and some 3 x 3 squares. This means focusing on a specific area and not the whole box.

Create the scanning technique you feel most comfortable with. See if it’s a row, column, or square that gets you started the fastest. In this way, you have a chance to catch open starts much faster. In the future, try to catch the overlapping cells by expanding your scanning area a little more. It’s easy to develop your own special technique by trying different techniques over time.

Don’t waste your time:

It’s important to develop a sudoku scanning technique for yourself, but there is no rule that every technique will work in every game. Let’s say you focus on a column, a row or a 3 x 3 square, but no matter what you do, you can’t find which number. It may be, that means that region is not yet populated enough to place new numbers. Immediately move to other areas that overlap with those cells and try to place new numbers there.

Check areas that overlap with filled cells:

Focusing on a single row, column, or square can blind you. Do not concentrate in such a narrow area. After filling a cell, immediately check the other areas where it overlaps. In most cases, even a single cell filling affects the rest of the box. In fact, if we look at the column and row basis, sometimes you may need to move your focus to a completely different part of the box after a single cell you have filled. So even if you only have one focus, be sure to check the rest of the box as well.

Use pencil for the first time:

We know that for many puzzle lovers it may be a matter of honor to use a ballpoint pen rather than a pencil, but stay calm, it’s more you just started. You will make many mistakes at first. You don’t want to throw the whole game away just because you made a small mistake. Therefore, at least until you develop your own techniques, use a pencil and have an eraser with you. Make sure that you will see your mistakes much more clearly because you do not hesitate to make mistakes, and it will be much easier to correct them because you see them.

Search for bare pairs:

Sudoku’s 9 x 9 box sometimes has two empty cells next to each other in a row, column, or 3 x 3 square, and one of the two numbers must come in these cells, but it is not clear. This condition is called the nude couple. For example, let’s say that one of the two spaces next to each other in a row will have a 2 and the other a 3, but it is not clear which cell is which.

In the case of the example, amateurs luckily write 3 in a cell and 2 in a cell and often make mistakes. Masters, on the other hand, keep these two options in their hands and focus on the column, square or row they are connected to. There are situations where there is clearly only one option in some cells in connected regions where two numbers are eliminated. That is, even if the naked couple remains, other cells can be filled thanks to the clues they offer.

Search for hidden pairs:

Although similar to the nude pair status, there is one important feature that makes hidden pairs stand out, more than two options. The situation is similar with the nude couple, but in the hidden couples the number of options can be three. Again, as in the bare couple method, the options are written to the empty cells and the appropriate options of the empty cells in the other columns, squares and rows to which they are linked are filled. Although it may be difficult at first, the game time will be greatly shortened when hidden pairs are discovered.

We talked about some tips and details you need to know about the game, which will make the job easier for beginners of sudoku, a number-based intelligence game that is a favorite of puzzle lovers. If you are playing Sudoku, you can share your special techniques in the comments.

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