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8 Player Types We Often Encounter While Playing Games

Considering that nowadays games and gaming will be more common than ever, we often encounter many different types of players in our daily lives or while playing games. Let's take a look at them together.
 8 Player Types We Often Encounter While Playing Games
READING NOW 8 Player Types We Often Encounter While Playing Games

At some point in our lives, each of us has played for hours, and many of us continue to play. In fact, everyone who plays games has their own unique style of play.

For example; While some people play to socialize, others prefer to play games to get rid of the intense stress of the day. Playing games, which is one of the biggest hobbies of our time, can become a profession for many people. Let’s explore these unique play styles together.

8 different types of players we encounter in daily life

  • Furious gunslingers of competitive games
  • achievement hunters
  • Casual but popular players (Casual)
  • Gamers who overdo it (Hardcore)
  • Those who see gaming as a lifestyle
  • retro gamers
  • social players
  • Players stuck in their own way

Mid raft or leave the lobby: furious gunslingers of competitive games

“Angry gunslingers”, a type of player that players who spend time with competitive games such as League of Legends, Valorant and Counter Strike: Global Offensive, often encounter, usually play competitive games. Aggressive players, who take these competitive games and their ranks into consideration, cannot tolerate mistakes if they are in a team game and generally approach their teammates with an angry structure.

  • Common features of furious gunslingers:
    • They only care about playing competitive games
    • They have a very nervous nature and don’t care about the rest of the team.
    • Even the slightest mistake, they give their share
    • Their rank and place in the game is their treasure.
    • They don’t care about single player games, competitive games are theirs

I finished the game on the last difficulty without dying, because why not: Achievement hunters

For such players, the most important thing in a game is to explore everything in that game and consume all the content. When they complete a game completely, they give great importance to the pleasure they get and the achievements they display in their game profiles.

  • Common traits of players who are achievement hunters:
    • They often wear single pistols, loathe multiplayer games
    • Independent productions have a life policy, they love to explore games
    • They hang out on their own, they do no harm to anyone
    • They have sworn loyalty to using a single gaming platform for centuries.
    • Their achievements are their jewels, they trust their gaming culture

Have fun with you Dark Souls, I like my sanity: Casual but popular players (Casual)

Ordinary gamers, who we know as “casual” players in English, do not look for a meaning in games and only play for fun in their spare time. This audience, which generally prefers games that are simple to play and appeal to everyone, mostly represents the adult audience that only plays popular games such as FIFA or Call of Duty.

  • Common features of casual players:
    • They are simple people about games, they prefer popular jobs that appeal to everyone.
    • They can play a single game for years without getting bored
    • They do not tolerate games with strategy, puzzles and difficulty, according to them, they are useless jobs.
    • Playing games is something simple for them, they don’t add any meaning.
    • They enjoy playing games with their friends or family.

Even when I’m having breakfast, I think of World of Warcraft: Gamers who overdo it (Hardcore)

The extreme gamers we know as “hardcore” gamers see gaming as the most important of their daily activities. The vast majority of people of this gamer type prefer to play online games. The thing they play the most is massive multiplayer online role-playing games in the genre we call “MMO and MMORPG”.

  • Common features of players who slightly overdo the job
    • They have a great love for massively multiplayer online role-playing games
    • They can stay in front of the screen for long hours without any pain.
    • They are masters of the games they play, they adopt the game characters quickly
    • They like to hang out with other people in the game
    • They are open to tough challenges and challenges, they always have a goal

Not just a game, but a passion: Those who see gaming as a lifestyle

Players of this type are divided into three. Those who see gaming as a passion, those who see it as a profession, and those who do both. People such as video game developers, reviewers, and game collectors view gaming as a new experience and adventure. They love to open up to new horizons and experience lives. At the same time, they practice their profession/hobbies. Gaming cultures are very broad and they take care to approach each game objectively, regardless of game genre.

Not to forget people like e-sports players, YouTube game channels and Twitch streamers. Although e-sports players are focused on online games due to their profession, they constitute one of the most important parts of this community.

  • The common features of the players who see gaming as a lifestyle:
    • They don’t discriminate between game genres and embrace all kinds of experiences.
    • They look at gaming not as a hobby, but as a passion, a profession.
    • They can stay in front of the screen for long hours without any pain.
    • They can earn income by playing games
    • They like to share their experiences and talk about games

I’ll hang out like the past until the time machine is invented: Retro gamers

Retro gamers, who have a great nostalgia for the past, prefer to reject the renewed game world and play old games. They are gamers who still enjoy playing old consoles, devices and games today and prefer to relive their nostalgic memories over and over again.

  • Common features of retro players:
    • The game’s release date doesn’t matter, it’s old enough.
    • They have a huge collection of old games and devices
    • Acting today is for kids, real games are treasures of the past
    • They see gaming as a passion
    • They like challenging challenges and are interested in all types of games

Real-life people aren’t as fun as those in the virtual world: Social gamers

Socialization is the most important factor for people of this gamer type. That’s why they focus entirely on multiplayer games. They take care to interact with other people in the game and play for fun. The more people act on the idea of ​​entertainment, the more.

  • Common features of social players:
    • They only care about playing online games
    • Interacting with other players is a lifestyle for them
    • They love making new friends or chatting in-game.
    • They are respectful to their teammates
    • They can play a single game for years without getting bored

The best game is always the one in your pocket: gamers who hang out

If we consider that there are more than 2.5 billion mobile players in the world, we can easily say that the players who hang out on their own form the largest audience in the gaming industry. Thrown into the intricate world of mobile games, these gamers are open to experiencing any type of mobile game. Although the majority of people in this type of player prefer multiplayer games such as PUBG Mobile, Brawl Stars and Clash Royale, they also approach other games in a positive way.

  • Common features of the players who are stuck in their own way:
    • Their mobile devices are indispensable for them, they play their games on mobile.
    • They like multiplayer games
    • They approach all kinds of games in a positive way
    • Hang out on their own, avoid unnecessary communication in multiplayer games
    • They like to play side by side with their friends

As of now, we have come to the end of our article, where we take a detailed look at eight different types of players. So which one do you feel closest to? We look forward to your answers in the comments.

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