8 More Female Employees Sued Sony Alleging Sexism

Eight former Sony employee women have sued the company for alleged sexism, joining former PlayStation IT security analyst Emma Majo, who made the same claim.
 8 More Female Employees Sued Sony Alleging Sexism
READING NOW 8 More Female Employees Sued Sony Alleging Sexism

Last November, former PlayStation IT security analyst Emma Majo filed a lawsuit against Sony alleging that the company discriminated against women at the corporate level. Majo then worked to turn her cause into a community movement and now has 8 more female employees with her.

All eight women involved in the lawsuit were former Sony employees, while one of the plaintiffs, Marie Harrington, had worked at Sony for 17 years, eventually becoming chief of staff for George Cacciopo, senior director of program management and senior vice president of engineering. While Harrington said in his statement that the reason for leaving was systematic sexism towards women, the remaining women shared similar stories in their statements.

Sony denies Majo’s sex discrimination allegations. However, no defense has yet been made against the newly opened class action lawsuit. The decision will be made at the hearing in April.

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