51 Cat Themed Games Developed In 48 Hours!

Participants who designed 51 different "catlike"-themed games in 48 hours at ÜNOG Fall Jam, which brings together 308 game developers, will vote on November 8. Sercan Muhlacı, Founding Director of ÜNOG, said, "It will provide financial support to those who want to develop their games and bring them to the Steam platform."
 51 Cat Themed Games Developed In 48 Hours!
READING NOW 51 Cat Themed Games Developed In 48 Hours!

The architects of the game world came together at the Fall Jam organized by the ÜNOG Game Developer Community with the main sponsorship of Peak on October 28th. In the event attended by 308 developers, 51 different games were designed with the “catlike” theme. ÜNOG Founding Director Sercan Muhlacı: “Fall Jam started on October 28 at 20:00 and continued for 48 hours. The developers have designed 51 different games on cat-specific behaviors. All games will be played by game jam participants on Monday, 8 November at 18:00. “One hour after the results are announced, we will play live on ÜNOG’s YouTube and Twitch channels. We will hold weekly meetings with those who want to continue improving their game, and we will provide financial support to those who aim to be on the digital game platform Steam.”

Talking about Sykoo, the influencer of game developers

Saying that Sam Okay “Sykoo” Doğantimur from Unity Technologies, the most used game engine in the world, spoke at the event, Sercan Muhlacı said: “Many software developers, developers, designers and artists who are experts in the game industry participated in our online event, which lasted for 48 hours. “Our team of 19 volunteers contacted the developers one-on-one over the phone in order to resolve the difficulties. In this way, we captured the reality of the physical environment in our online event.”

“We have reached 3 thousand game developers in 5 years”

Stating that they designed the Fall Jam event as a networking and information sharing area, Sercan Muhlacı said: “Participants not only improved their personal skills in Fall Jam, but also gained access to a wide communication network in the game industry. We implemented a program without awards to make this point the main criterion. “We have reached 3,000 game developers in about 5 years with the same mission since 2017. Our first game jam event, which we held at ÜNOG in response to the demands of our community, was concluded successfully as the first step of our Fall Jam plans.”

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