5 golden rules of mobile working order

Just setting up a home office is no longer sufficient for our business, it is important that we have easy access to our work when we are out of the house. So, how to set up a successful mobile working order?
 5 golden rules of mobile working order
READING NOW 5 golden rules of mobile working order
  1. Mobile data quota

Internet connection and quota problems can be the most challenging issues for you while working on mobile. In fact, the concept of mobile office for you in its simplest form, if it consists of checking e-mail from the phone, computer and writing a few lines of reply, it is very difficult to have a quota problem, but if you have a position where you have to download large files and work on them, each round-trip of the files will file your quota a little more. . If you do not use a data line on your tablet, it becomes even more important that you can distribute the mobile internet on your phone to your other devices with the tether feature of your phone. Therefore, it is also important to have a mid-high-end phone that will not upset you about its mobile connectivity capabilities.

2. The state of charge of your devices

In the digital age, the charging problem is one of the most vital points that you should pay attention to or, let’s say, be prepared. If you are a newcomer to the mobile office layout, just having a laptop and tablet will not be enough. You must be prepared to charge your devices even in the worst possible scenarios. But don’t be intimidated by these difficulties, in fact, with smart measures, it is possible to solve your charging problem in many cases. First of all, one of the most vital tools you should carry in your bag should be an extension cord. It is very important to be able to reach for the socket when you want to charge your work devices in cafes, airports or similar social environments. However, it would be appropriate for this extension to have multiple sockets and to have a multiplexer for the plug part of the socket, as other people may want to share the same socket or if someone else is already using it, you may not have room. But the socket multiplexer is a small, cheap and effective solution that will solve the problem at its root. In addition to this simple solution, it is also beneficial to obtain a solar energy panel that can produce enough power to charge your devices as a slightly more complex solution. These may be relatively high-priced devices, but it is a much greater cost if you cannot reach the job you have to intervene in an emergency because you do not have a charge, and if you victimize your customer/employer.

3. Battery performance

Another pillar of the charging problem is battery performance. How do the batteries of your mobile devices perform? How long do the charges last? What are the factors that consume the charge? How can you run your devices with higher performance? You must be knowledgeable and conscious about it. First of all, we recommend that you get a laptop with high battery performance. You can review Huawei Matebook models to help with this.

On the other hand, applications running in the background come first among the problems that consume the batteries of your devices. You can make a good start by examining the automatic startup programs of laptops and closing unnecessary applications. Then we recommend that you uninstall the excess/unused apps on your mobile devices. It’s also very useful to add an external storage (microSD?) to your mobile device and use that microSD as the main storage. Even deleting the excess, old, read, spamSMS that comes to your phone makes a huge difference. Because the internal memory units in mobile devices need more energy as the amount of data they store grows and quickly consumes your battery. Try deleting hundreds of SMS that you are too lazy to delete on your phone and charge your phone and start it from scratch. You will notice a huge improvement in endurance.

4. Tablet is inevitable

No matter how good your laptop is, no matter how large your phone’s screen is, if you want to build a successful mobile office, a tablet is often indispensable. Sometimes, you may lose your client/employer’s trust simply by not writing a reply to an email. Yes, smartphones are fine for replying to emails today, but when a paperclip you have to review arrives, their screen may not be enough. You may make mistakes, it may be difficult for you to read, review and edit. For this reason, you will definitely need a tablet in your bag. For this reason, it would be useful to do a small review on tablet prices. We strongly recommend you to review the Huawei Matepad model.

5. Waterproof

Finally, another detail that most people don’t think of but very important is that you get a bag with waterproof protection. If you lead an active life in the city life, you can get caught in heavy rain even in a short distance from the parking lot to the meeting place. Even a drop of water leaking through the zippers of a non-waterproof bag can pose a serious risk to your laptop. Apart from the fact that your device, for which you have paid thousands of lira, burns out when it works, it may not be possible to compensate for the difficult situation you will fall into due to your device that breaks down in an emergency. In other words, you should protect your devices like your eyes.

You can find many products and accessories that you will need for your mobile working order on Hepsiburada.com. Also, as Father’s Day is approaching, you can find many nice gift options on the platform for Father’s Day gifts.


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