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  • 40% of Company Executives Think Generation Z “Unprepared for Business” and Don’t Want to Employ

40% of Company Executives Think Generation Z “Unprepared for Business” and Don’t Want to Employ

According to research by Intelligent, 40% of executives consider Generation Z to be unprepared for work.
 40% of Company Executives Think Generation Z “Unprepared for Business” and Don’t Want to Employ
READING NOW 40% of Company Executives Think Generation Z “Unprepared for Business” and Don’t Want to Employ

Growing up in the internet and technology that is developing faster every year, the Z generation has now started to take the first steps of their careers. He graduated from universities and started to apply for his first job to continue his life.

While the vast majority of Gen Z are looking for jobs with high enthusiasm, a new study reveals that the same enthusiasm is not well received by employers. According to research by Intelligent, 40% of business executives think that Generation Z is “unprepared” for the business environment.

According to executives, Generation Z does not have the most basic features of business life:

In the research, the opinions of 1,243 business executives (ages 30-60, earning at least 75 thousand dollars, C-level executives) about Generation Z were taken. “How ready do business leaders believe college graduates are for the workforce?” The answers given below the table pointed to a bad sight:

  • Very prepared: 20%
  • Prepared: 33%
  • Not sure: 7%
  • Unprepared: 27%
  • Very unprepared: 13%

So what are these key features?

The managers also answered in which respects Generation Z is unprepared, under the following headings:

  • 70% work ethics and communication skills,
  • 51% are rights and
  • 43% see Generation Z as inadequate in terms of technological skills.

Moreover, the recruitment of generation Z is avoided!

“How often do business leaders avoid hiring new college graduates?” There is much more sad news under the table. Businesses avoid hiring Generation Z:

  • Always: 20%
  • Most of the time: 27%
  • Sometimes: 40%
  • Rarely: 20%
  • Never: 6%

Moreover, the managers participating in this research are not entirely composed of managers of giant companies. It is stated that each manager included in the survey works in companies with a workforce of up to 10 people. Still, the painting sums up the impression left by Generation Z and other generations.

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