40 million core Chinese supercomputer on the agenda

A new system has emerged that will take China higher in the supercomputer race. There is currently no official statement about the new supercomputer used in scientific research.
 40 million core Chinese supercomputer on the agenda
READING NOW 40 million core Chinese supercomputer on the agenda

Number one on the best supercomputers list for a long time is Fugaku, located at the Fujitsu Riken headquarters. This monster with 7.6 million cores can reach a performance value of 442 thousand TLOPS. A Chinese competitor may come to Fugaku, which seems to be difficult to beat in the near term.

40 million core supercomputer

A group of Chinese researchers who were awarded Gordon Bell awards and researching highly interactive quantum components published in a report published by a group of Chinese researchers, mentions a 40 million core supercomputer. This system is not mentioned in the TOP 500 list yet.

giant chip move from China

8 h. previously added

China’s fourth-ranked Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer uses the SW26010 processor group with a total of 10 million cores. It has a performance value of 93 thousand TFLOPS. The new supercomputer includes the SW26010 Pro processor group.

It is stated that there are 384 cores in each SW26010 Pro group. 8 of the elements with 64 transaction clusters are connected by a network. Thus, around 40 million cores are combined in 104 thousand processors.

The performance value of this new system has not been disclosed, but it is clear that it will outperform Sunway TaihuLight. It should come as no surprise that he placed second after Fugaku when he entered the list of the best. For now, it is unknown when this will happen.

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