2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to These Scientists Who Solved the Mystery of mRNA: They Will Bring Deadly Diseases Like Cancer to Their Knee

2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to These Scientists Who Solved the Mystery of mRNA: They Will Bring Deadly Diseases Like Cancer to Their Knee

This year’s winners of the Nobel Prizes, which have been awarded since 1901, have started to be announced today. In this context, today the winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine were announced. The committee will continue to announce award winners in other categories in the coming days. So who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023?

This year, the Nobel Committee awarded the scientists Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman the Nobel Prize in Medicine. These two scientists played important roles in the development of mRNA technology, which we talked about most in the COVID-19 pandemic. Kariko and Weissman had determined how mRNA interacts with the body. This discovery enabled the rapid development of vaccines that gave hope to people with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“A promising idea”

In the statements made about Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, it was stated that mRNA-based vaccines were developed after these two scientists solved mRNA technology. The Nobel Committee described mRNA vaccines as a “promising idea” and stated that mRNA technology could be used effectively against many diseases, including cancer. The committee stated that COVID-19 provided an understanding of the potential of mRNA vaccines.

To whom was it given last year?

The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a Swedish geneticist named Svante Paabo in 2022. With his work, Svante Paabo succeeded in sequencing the genome of Neanderthals, one of the closest relatives of modern humans.