20 Works of Cartoonist İhsan Canıtez

In this content, we have compiled the works of İhsan Canıtez, who transforms the events, people and thoughts in our daily lives into delightful cartoons with his own touches. The artist's drawings both move away from monotony with the help of imagination and make people say "this looks familiar from somewhere".
 20 Works of Cartoonist İhsan Canıtez
READING NOW 20 Works of Cartoonist İhsan Canıtez

We have previously compiled for you the works of names who made their names known to large masses with the works they produced and who performed their art in different fields. In this context, we saw Ezgi Topdağı, whose works we get lost as we look at, Hakan Yılmaz with his hypnotizing works, and Yaşar Vurdem, who appears before us with his realistic illustrations.

Now here is İhsan Canıtez, who produces interesting cartoons. The artist takes the usual events, characters and thoughts in our daily life and blends them with imagination. Now let’s take a look at his works together.

Some activities that we need to perform collectively in order to come to ourselves:


Who is your friend?


What we want when we can’t stretch as we would like:


While it’s summer…


Some short-term distasteful situations:


Characters that keep the friend group alive: Maybe you can find yourself among them

In honor of recent events:


These days are also near:


There are those who look back on their high school years with longing, and there are those who rejoice that those days are over. Which side are you on?


Some of which unfortunately we will never know:


It is useful to remember:


Real-life equivalents of interactions on social media:


Some things we will not feel the absence of:


We have tears in our eyes…


We shouldn’t generalize about cats outside

( )

Things encountered every time on intercity bus journeys:


Dreams of flying cars k Let’s take a look at our actual needs:


Is it more hurtful to have to follow the hikes or get used to it?


Some chosen ones who walk among us:


Major common characters of campuses:


Actions we do out of our control… You can reach our article about his love here


You can reach the artist’s Twitter, YouTube and Instagram accounts from the relevant links. If there are different artists whose works you want to see, you can specify them in the comments.

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