20 Lies Movies Tell About Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs, which started to roam our world about 240 million years ago, can be distorted in a way that pleases the audience in the world of cinema. We have compiled the well-known misconceptions about dinosaurs that we are used to seeing on screens and thus settle in our minds that way.
 20 Lies Movies Tell About Dinosaurs
READING NOW 20 Lies Movies Tell About Dinosaurs

It is thought that dinosaurs began to roam our world about 244 million years ago and received the biggest blow to their generation with the asteroid impact 66 million years ago. From the past to the present, many branches of science have conducted and continue to conduct extensive studies in order to obtain information about these creatures that lived in a very distant time.

However, the world of cinema, which is interested in this situation, does not remain empty, and they bring dinosaurs to the screen -as far as the available information is- with productions such as Jurassic Park. Many scientists have been expressing that some dinosaur representations and behaviors on screens have no scientific equivalent for many years, and therefore they misinform people. We have compiled these misconceptions for you.

The lies movies tell about dinosaurs

FALSE: If a T. Rex were chasing you, you’d have to drive at full speed

Although television Although it is shown as being very strong and fast-moving on screens, the giant dinosaur T. Rex, which can run at an average speed of 17 kilometers per hour, would have shattered its bones if it were to exceed this limit.

FALSE: The size of the iconic acid-scattering dinosaur Dilophosaurus is at most slightly larger than an average adult

The actual length of the dinosaur in question, excavated with Jurassic Park, is around 6 meters. There is also no evidence that he had acid on him or used such a method against his prey. His on-screen depiction is thought to be due to the presence of poison in the saliva of komodo dragons. Even so, it’s sure to take a long way to find the acid blast inspired by toxic saliva.

FALSE: Dinosaurs had roars that could be heard from miles away

According to the latest researches, these creatures have strong roars as reflected in the movie world. none. It is claimed that they make laryngeal sounds, much like their bird relatives today

FALSE: Pterosaur could have taken a human and flew away

This is what we see in both cartoons and the movie world. We can say that living things are known for taking the characters and taking them to their nests for food. But even if they were large creatures, the average human would in reality be too heavy for pterosaurs to carry

FALSE: A dinosaur that doesn’t want to eat you is completely harmless

It is not a unique situation. Even if you have a pet that doesn’t eat meat, you learn – bitterly – that you shouldn’t discriminate between carnivores and herbivores when they decide to kill you. In other words, an animal that you are not among the food preferences can harm you, or a carnivorous animal.

WRONG: All paleontologists do is dig holes and examine fossils

This is one of the information that the world of cinema necessarily misplaces in the minds of the audience. Although excavation covers a large part of the work in this area, the training given in places such as museums also covers a part of the work. So, don’t let people come back to life after just digging and returning home.

FALSE: Paleontologists only examine dinosaur remains

This information, which we have placed in our minds by getting used to seeing dinosaur skeletons on screens side by side, is also not correct. Every animal and plant after 10,000 years is significant to paleontologists. It could be a leaf or a footprint.

FALSE: To become a paleontologist, it is necessary to graduate from the department of Paleontology

As a matter of fact, there is no undergraduate department called Paleontology. To become a paleontologist, you must first graduate from a department such as Geological Engineering, and then complete a master’s in paleontology.

FALSE: Mosasaurus was big enough to be compared to an airplane

Considering that the largest Mosasaurus ever was around 17 meters long, unlike what is shown in the movies, we consider them to be large. It’s hard to compare with passenger planes.

FALSE: Dinosaurs make loud noises in unexpected places

there is no proof. We do not see any animal roar or make different sounds unless it is in its nature. This would be nothing more than saying “I am here” in the wilderness.

FALSE: Velociraptors are the same length as a human

According to scientific data, Velociraptors could stretch up to 2 meters from their tail tips to their head. But when it came to their ground clearance, they were only 45-50 cm long. In other words, the human-sized Velociraptors we see in the movies do not reflect the truth.

FALSE: T. Rex’s hands mean nothing next to his incredibly strong body

It’s been a long time since T. Rex’s hands are weak in public. is mentioned. This is, of course, a distortion of the cinema world. With each of these arms measuring around 90 centimeters long, the T. Rex could lift up to 195kg. However, it is not known exactly for what purposes he used these hands.

FALSE: All dinosaurs were wiped out from the world by the impact of the famous asteroid

Paleontologist Prof. According to Paul Barrett’s words, the famous Asteroid wiped out up to 75 percent of the dinosaurs. Many species of dinosaurs, small and feathered, have survived, and we can see many of them, such as birds, around today.

FALSE: Dinosaurs couldn’t see you if you didn’t move

This is one of the misinformation given by the cinema world. When you’re faced with a T. Rex, just staring at it would be the dumbest thing to do in practice, even if it works in movies.

FALSE: Dinosaurs can be copied thanks to their DNA

Scientists say it’s too early for that. The biggest reason for this situation is that the dinosaur DNA has not been able to withstand the years that have passed. There is also a lot of debate about whether this issue is ethical or not.

FALSE: The parenting aspect of dinosaurs was not very developed

Actually, the strength of the family bond varies from dinosaur to dinosaur. Some species are known to take care of themselves and prefer to be alone even if they have young, while others are known to give more importance to baby care

FALSE: Dinosaurs were only large lizards

Although they are Although it looks like it may seem, a study conducted in recent years suggested that almost all dinosaur species were ‘feathered’. They get even more frightening when we think of the giant dinosaurs in our minds as feathered. After this research, another study was published suggesting that dinosaurs were ‘scaly’ rather than feathered

FALSE: Velociraptor was the most intelligent dinosaur species

Dinosaurs’ emotion or logic He is not thought to have a brain to develop it. If one dinosaur was smarter than another, it’s probably because it was forced to live that way. We can give an example of the species that are hunted at night in order not to be a prey in the morning.

FALSE: Dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time

Dinosaurs went extinct roughly 66 million years ago. It is believed that the furthest period that humanity has reached stretches back as far as 6 million years. So even if our lineage went back a few million years, we would be far away from dinosaurs.

FALSE: The Brontosaurus, which we are used to seeing both in cartoons and in the movie world, never actually existed

The gigantic Brontosaurus, once not considered a dinosaur, suffered a fate similar to that of Pluto, which was relegated to the planetary category, and was counted as a separate dinosaur species again in 2015.

We have come to the end of our content in which we have compiled the misconceptions about dinosaurs. If you have different information about dinosaurs that you want to share, you can share them in the comments section.

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