1993 production Doom, ray tracing mode is no more!

The 1993 Doom remake with ray tracing looks great. The popular game of the 90s is dazzling with ray tracing.
 1993 production Doom, ray tracing mode is no more!
READING NOW 1993 production Doom, ray tracing mode is no more!

New generation game consoles such as PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X manage to attract attention in graphic quality thanks to the ‘ray tracing’ support that simulates the reflection of light hitting an object. However, to truly understand ray tracing, it may be necessary to try it in a game where it has not been used before, for example in the first Doom game from 1993.

A game developer that designed mods to improve the graphic quality of games released in the 1990s and 2000s, now overhauled the first Doom released in 1993. Created by a designer named Sultim_t, the mod shows that the original Doom is still playable today.

What does Doom look like with ray tracing released in 1993?

A new graphic mode has been designed for Doom, one of the turning points of the game world. The ray-traced remake of the 1993 original Doom stunned gaming forums and thousands of gamers on social media.

Ray tracing is a lighting technique that brings an extra level of realism to games. It is developed by mimicking the way light is reflected and refracted in the real world, and allows for a more believable graphic quality in games using static lighting.

Installing the Doom ray tracing mod seems pretty straightforward. To run the mod, first download the open source Doom to your computer. Find the original Doom.wad file included in the game files. Then download the PrBoom app, which is a port for Doom, and install sultim_t’s mod (The mod will not work if the Doom game you downloaded does not have the Doom.wad file).

It should also be noted that the mod created by sultim_t only works on computers with Nvidia graphics cards.

What do you think of Doom modded with ray tracing? You can share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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