Russia’s Nuclear Research Council Rosatom announced that it has developed a new plasma engine that can revolutionize space travel. According to Izvestia newspaper, thanks to this impulse system, it will be possible to reach Mars in just 30 to 60 days. Unlike traditional chemical rockets, this new motor provides pushing using a magnetic plasma accelerator rather than burning fuel. Here are the details…
Will it be possible to travel to Mars in 30 days with Russia’s new plasma engine?
According to Rosatom, plasma engines can increase electrons and protons to a speed of 100 kilometers per second using hydrogen fuel. To compare, this speed remains around 4.5 kilometers per second in traditional rockets. In this way, the travel time to Mars shortens to a great extent, while the amount of radiation that astronauts will be exposed to will significantly decrease.

Currently, the laboratory prototype of the plasma engine is tested at Rosatom’s Troitsk Research Institute. In the experiments so far, the engine can work more than 2,400 hours uninterrupted. Until 2030, a full -scale flight model is planned to be developed. However, since independent scientific verification has not yet been published, it is unclear whether the engine can reach the promised performance.

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Meanwhile, in recent years, the US, China and private space companies are already working on nuclear and plasma -based impulsion systems. US -based Rocketstar Inc. He recently introduced Figstar Drive, a fusion -powered electric impulse engine. In addition, the US Space Forces allocated $ 35 million to a project under the leadership of the University of Michigan and aiming to develop electric impulse systems using micro -reactors.
Obviously, although Russia’s plasma engine seems to have made great progress in the race in this field, it is worth mentioning that technology has not yet been scientifically confirmed. But if it succeeds, it can be a big turning point in humanity’s deep space discoveries.
Do you think that plasma engines can replace chemical rockets on space travel? Is it possible for the journey to Mars to go down to 30 days? You can write your opinions in the comments section below…