10 Doom 3 Mods You Can Change The Game From The End

The mod makers of every Doom game released have taken a friendly attitude. Undoubtedly, these modes have been one of the reasons why this series has remained so permanent and popular. The fact that the modding of Doom and Doom 2 is still active despite the years passed ensures that the players' maps that will kill creatures never end.
 10 Doom 3 Mods You Can Change The Game From The End
READING NOW 10 Doom 3 Mods You Can Change The Game From The End

In Doom 3, we can say that it is not a production far from modding like its counterparts, and even one of the most contentious ones. Of course, when the conflicts are so much, very interesting results can come out by the mod makers.

There are so many mods from the time they were released, such as texture changes, new weapons, fine balance adjustments, and soundtracks, that it can be a bit difficult to decide which ones are worth installing. But when it comes to Doom 3, there’s a little something for everyone. For this reason, we have compiled a list of mods for you.

Doom 3 mods:

  • Duct Tape
  • Overthinked Doom 3
  • Trent Reznor Soundpack
  • Classic Doom 3
  • Alpha Shotgun Mod
  • Shrek Mod
  • Perfected Doom 3
  • Absolute HD
  • OpenCoop
  • Nitro’s Gore Mod

Duct Tape

Doom 3 was a game that lived apart from the rest of the series. Because they chose a more tense and survival-oriented theme compared to their previous games. Instead of running around gleefully blasting the creatures’ faces, the player had to move through dark narrow corridors with only a flashlight to light the way.

To add to the tension, the original version of Doom 3 did not allow the player to hold their gun and flashlight at the same time. As such, players had to choose between lighting the way or defending themselves.

Although this did not please many players, it caused players to create a mod called “Duct Tape”. The use of the mod is quite simple: since the flashlight is now attached to your weapon, you can both light the road and shoot.

Overthinked Doom 3

Overthinked Doom 3 Vanilla is a mod designed to double the survival horror elements of the game. Creatures are much more deadly in this mode, your bullet is much more valuable than ever, and some gameplay facilitators such as crosshairs have been removed for a more realistic experience.

The main purpose of the mod is to increase the tension and fear in the process by forcing the player to strategize around the limits imposed on them by the mod, leaving aside killing creatures left and right.

Trent Reznor Soundpack

Trent Reznor’s work with id Software has been quite successful. Working on soundtracks like that of the original Quake was crucial to the gaming experience. He was hired to contribute again to the sound design of Doom 3, leaving the project unfinished. In other words, the sounds of gunfire, the roar of monsters, the work on the ambiance could not be finalized.

This allowed players to create a mod called Trent Reznor Soundpack. This simple change allowed all the sounds Reznor worked on during game development to be added to the game.

Classic Doom 3

Sometimes players want to play Episode 1 of the first Doom game without actually playing the first game of Doom. Although there have been many such requests, a mode called Classic Doom 3 has emerged. This mode, which allows you to experience the classic Knee Deep in the Dead (the first episode of the first Doom), with the Doom 3 engine and graphics, feels both nostalgic and fresh at the same time. The mod’s creators say it’s a great opportunity to capture the best of the original Doom in a new light.

Alpha Shotgun Mod

One of the most common complaints from players in Doom 3 was the shotgun. The shotgun was not liked by anyone, both in terms of game functionality and appearance. The shotgun is supposed to be one of the main weapons in any game where the player can release all his nerves and stress. This is why shooting at enemies should create a satisfying feel and make the player feel good.

While the Alpha Shotgun mod is purely cosmetic, it does a lot of work to get the shotgun into the state it was meant to be by replacing it with the alpha version that was shown at the E3 show a long time ago.

Shrek Mod

Without a doubt, the absolute pinnacle of mods for Doom 3 is definitely the Shrek mod for Doom 3. If you ask what this mod will do, it is very simple: It has a more improved main menu and a new weapon in the game: Shrek’s frying pan.

It also increases the depth of the mod by turning the player’s hands from their original color to green. In this way, you can feel like Shrek while hitting your creatures in the face. Unfortunately, the mod was never fully completed. But the mod owner should be congratulated for his creativity.

Perfected Doom 3

One of Doom 3’s most popular mods is undoubtedly the Perfected Doom 3 mod, which overhauls every aspect of the game by introducing new monsters, new weapons, features, and dozens of minor gameplay tweaks aimed at bringing Doom 3 to its best version.

Along with the graphics refreshes, Perfected Doom 3 punishes the player much more than regular Doom 3. Enemies attack with much more precision and in deadly ways, taking advantage of every mistake players make. This faster and deadlier game mode quickly became a very popular one.

Absolute HD

A mod that does exactly what it’s talking about called Absolute HD. I’m talking about a mod that overhauls every element in Doom 3 here. It aims to put the best quality package by choosing the best among different graphic revisions.

After the installation of this mod, the lightings are sharper and more vivid, the textures are higher resolution and the whole game image quality is more distinct and detailed.


Doom 3 aims for a darker and scarier theme than its other games in the franchise. But that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to drive through the desolate UAC facility with friends. Fortunately, there’s the original Doom 3 episodes, as well as custom maps, and an OpenCoop mod that allows for expansions.

The mod also takes care of the game difficulty and annoying details like spawn times to make sure everyone on the team has something to shoot at.

Nitro’s Gore Mod

What Doom-loving player wouldn’t want to raise the blood and brutality level a little more? Doom is a series known for its brutal violence. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with one of the game’s leading modes being a “gore” mode.

This mod allows the player and enemies to bleed more and experience more violence. At the same time, in Vanilla Doom 3, the enemies were scattered in the air after they died to make the game more fluid in terms of hardware. But Nitro’s Gore completely removes this limitation and makes the corpse of every enemy you kill stand in front of your face indefinitely.

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