10 Altcoins Exploding GitHub Announced!

ProofofGitHub has identified the top 10 altcoin projects by evaluating some data and based on GitHub weekly development activities.
 10 Altcoins Exploding GitHub Announced!
READING NOW 10 Altcoins Exploding GitHub Announced!

The cryptocurrency world has captured the imagination of investors and technologists. In addition, development activities continue unceasingly in this infinite universe. This is a very important indicator in the progress of altcoin projects.

Here is the list of leading alcoins in GitHub weekly development

As you follow on Kriptokoin.com, development activity for projects has a very important place in the crypto world. In this context, ProofofGitHub shared a list prepared by evaluating some data. Accordingly, GitHub has identified the top 10 altcoin projects based on their weekly development activity. It took various factors into consideration as evaluation criteria when determining these top 10 altcoin projects. These include the commitment of the projects’ own communities to foster innovation, improve functions, and move the blockchain industry forward.

Now we can start browsing the list. In development activity, Polkadot (DOT)/Kusama (KSM) holds the leadership trophy with 610 points. It should be noted that this robust ecosystem makes cross-chain interoperability possible. Thus, it promotes innovation and collaboration among Blockchain networks. In second place is another Ethereum competitor, Cardano (ADA). The altcoin project achieved this position with 512 weeks of development activity. Thus, it was able to demonstrate a strong presence in the market. Third on the list is Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) with 419 weeks of development activity.

Top 10 altcoin projects by GitHub weekly development activity / Source ProofofGitHub

Continuing the list, Cosmos (ATOM) comes in fourth with 341 weeks of development activity. It is followed by the oracle network Chainlink (LINK), with 321 weeks of development activity. This highlights the altcoin project’s commitment to decentralized oracle solutions. Internet Computer (ICP) comes next with 315 developments. It is followed by 281 Status (SNT) in 7th place. Vega Protocol (VEGA) is in 8th place with 267 points. Popular metaverse coin project Decentraland (MANA) occupies 9th place with 265 points. IOTA (MIOTA) is at the bottom of the list with 260 points.

Altcoin projects driving crypto innovation

Overall, these top 10 cryptocurrencies, according to GitHub weekly development activities, demonstrate the commitment of their respective communities to drive innovation, improve functionality, and move the blockchain industry forward. The GitHub platform serves as a valuable resource for developers and enthusiasts. It also, in a way, is on the pulse of the cryptocurrency space. For this reason, it is closely followed by crypto market players.

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